martes, 12 de enero de 2010

The satisfied human with his sexual life

A recent study makes clear that the human feel satisfied with his sexual life, and today we leave you the surprising conclusions that have been gathered.

We are opened for the opinion of the readers, but … it smells something badly in this work, because I you bet what queráis that you do the same survey to friends and acquaintances and the results are not so good.

Because we are going to see, would someone say to a stranger for the street that his sexual life stinks? - and more if it is of the opposite sex-. In end, in the same way as there are works and trustworthy studies, this one particularly smells us scorching:

The great majority of the population - 88 % of the men and 84 % of the women - says to feel satisfied with his sexual life, though to the males it would like to support relations with more frequency. This way it is clear of the first National Survey on sexual health that it has elaborated the Observatory of Health of the Woman (OSM) in collaboration with the Center of Sociological Investigations (CIS).

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Flirting Tips On How To Flirt

Most flirting tips on how to flirt will always advice you to develop your personality so that you become interesting to our people, especially the opposite gender. This means overcoming your shyness and letting your true self shine through.

Flirting is about becoming a leader without being obvious. This means that you have to learn to lead the way and you can do that honing your conversation skills so that you can lead the conversation. This means you will have to be interesting and amusing at the same time. Read as many things as you can lay your hands on so that you hold interesting conversation on different topics.

Nothing works better than compliments. Every man and woman likes to hear nice things about himself or herself. Make sure that you original lines to praise and compliment a person you are flirting with. However, work on delivering the compliments in a genuine manner so that they are believable.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

How To Seduce A Man

The art of how to seduce a man begins with flirting. This is a technique used for centuries by women to get a man into bed. Flirting can be a caress, a smile or direct eye contact. Flirting shows the man that you are interested in him. However, be careful when you are flirting. Do not go overboard. Seducing a man means giving him feelers and that is what flirting should do. Send out the right signals to tell the man you will not reject his advances. Flirting essentially ends up setting the groundwork for the man to woe you.

How to seduce a man is not just physical. You should know how to get into his mind. Men love attention especially from a woman. Seducing a man means reading his body language and looking for subtle signs. Give the man attention and you will definitely see the interest right away. This means you are one step closer to seducing him.

Playing hard to get is good to a certain extent and is all part of seducing. A man usually loves the challenge of getting a woman who is difficult. However, do not go overboard with it. Once you know that the man is keen on taking up your offer, make sure you establish your motive so that you and the man understand each other completely. Once this is done, your seduction is near complete.

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

How to stop doing the wrong things

When a woman begins to feel a romantic connection with you, she faces an interesting problem...

How can she tell for sure if you're character and personality are the way you're expressing them?

As we all know, men and women BOTH show off and exaggerate their "good sides" while downplaying and hiding their negative traits at first. This is why men suck in their guts, brag, and show off... and why women wear makeup, do their hair, and shop all day for their clothes.

If you were a woman, and you needed to figure out if a man was showing you his "true self", how would you do it?

What if you had to know FOR SURE?

The only way is to TEST on an ongoing basis, and to keep escalating the tests to be sure.

Put all this together (with a bunch of other factors that I don't have time to talk about) and you get an interesting problem that women face...

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

Using Your Smile

I used to smile wrong. I would spot an attractive woman, make eye contact with her and then smile full-tilt. My expression jumped from dour to grinning in a split second. This came across as forced and awkward and kept me celibate for years. A woman would think, 'Why is this guy suddenly smiling at me? What did I do? Is there mustard on my blouse?' I would make her feel uncomfortable and paranoid. I didn't come across as a happy outgoing person but rather as a person who put her on the spot.

You probably have had the experience of hanging out with some friends in public. Maybe it was at a restaurant or maybe a shopping mall. You were happy and laughing and smiling. But then you turned away from your group briefly and caught a stranger's eye. That was when an amazing-thing happened. Even though your smile was a random ‘drive-by' smile and not meant for that person, the stranger warmly returned it. Maybe it was an old man, maybe it was a punk rocker, maybe it was a hot girl, and maybe you turned away in surprise but the exchange felt organic.

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

How To Seduce Your Woman

Any girl beyond the age of puberty has an instinctive ability to get horny and desire sex - but most men have not learned how to trigger this instinctive response in the woman they desire. She may be "willing and able"... but he just doesn't know how to make her "ready" whenever HE is ready, willing and able to have sex. (Now YOU can learn how to seduce a woman into a state of "readiness" and lead her to do what she instinctively wants to do.)

A guy can "do special things" to a woman that can lead to a highly predictable emotional response - i.e. he can do things to make her laugh, or he can do things to make her cry - or he can do things to make her horny. (With the SSP system, you can learn the things that make a woman horny and then use them to make her horny for YOU.)

Instructor C.R. James (creator of "Super Sex Power: Magnetism") is an analytical genius who at one time worked for the U.S. Army Research Lab as a Signal Processing Engineering Specialist. Now he has decided to use his "computer brain" on psychologically based strategies for creating an intense sexual desire in women. Mission accomplished! (Now YOU can learn how to seduce your woman by using his psychological seducing techniques.)

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Cocky and Funny

It just doesn’t make sense to some guys that teasing women, busting their balls, being slightly arrogant, not kissing up to them, etc. could or should make them feel attraction. I can understand this because I was exactly the same way the first few times I heard cocky and funny and saw cocky and funny being used. I kept thinking to myself, “If I do this cocky and funny thing, I’m only going to come across as arrogant… and that can’t make women like me more.”

Well, was I wrong.

You must always remember that ATTRACTION isn’t logical. It doesn’t follow the rules that it “should” follow. ATTRACTION is a very powerful emotion that has reasons and triggers that don’t make any sense at first glance. I’m sure you’ve seen many attractive women with guys who mistreat them, abuse them, and were exactly the opposite of what you’d expect a woman to accept.


ATTRACTION. In the beginning she felt attraction, and as bad as it may sound, almost no amount of being “bad”, abusive, or jerk-ish can convince a woman, feeling a strong attraction to a guy, to leave. So let me take the opportunity to talk a bit about the cocky and funny attitude, why it works, and how to use it to attract women (without having to be an abusive jerk). First of all, you have to remember that the formula is Cocky AND Funny. Always both.

If you act too cocky, you’ll only come off as arrogant and insecure. If you’re just funny, always telling jokes, and making people laugh, you will probably come across as “too goofy.” But if you use BOTH together, you will create magic. Cocky and funny is like sparring… it’s sport… it’s fun… it’s challenging… it’s interesting when used with skill. So let’s get clear about what “Cocky and Funny” is.

Here’s a cocky statement:

“Her dress makes her look fat.”