A recent study makes clear that the human feel satisfied with his sexual life, and today we leave you the surprising conclusions that have been gathered.
We are opened for the opinion of the readers, but … it smells something badly in this work, because I you bet what queráis that you do the same survey to friends and acquaintances and the results are not so good.
Because we are going to see, would someone say to a stranger for the street that his sexual life stinks? - and more if it is of the opposite sex-. In end, in the same way as there are works and trustworthy studies, this one particularly smells us scorching:
The great majority of the population - 88 % of the men and 84 % of the women - says to feel satisfied with his sexual life, though to the males it would like to support relations with more frequency. This way it is clear of the first National Survey on sexual health that it has elaborated the Observatory of Health of the Woman (OSM) in collaboration with the Center of Sociological Investigations (CIS).